"As the active phase of the One Heart, One Soul Campaign draws to a close, we are profoundly grateful for the gifts born out of it. The campaign offered us an opportunity as parishes to pause, to take notice of our needs - and respond to them in generosity."
Click on the newsletter to the right to read our latest Campaign update or download it HERE.
“Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul...”
Acts 4:32
Join us as we embark on an unprecedented effort to renew and strengthen every Parish and mission in the Diocese of Hamilton through the One Heart, One Soul Campaign.
By renewing our Parishes through projects determined at the local, Parish level, we will strengthen our Diocesan community - enabling us to evangelize more effectively, proclaim the Gospel more ardently, and draw more people into relationship with Christ.
Please explore the details of our campaign, as together we work to build up the Church in this place, in unity with one another and in unity with the Lord Jesus Christ.

The primary goal of the One Heart, One Soul Campaign is to renew and transform our parishes. Each parish will define their own most pressing projects, focusing on those that bring vitality to the parish, promote participation in parish life, and evangelize and serve the faithful and the surrounding community.

Many of our parishes and missions have limited financial resources, which can hold them back from accomplishing necessary projects. These parishes in need will receive additional matching funds, helping them undertake further projects of importance to enhance the life of the parish.

While parish life is the central pillar of the One Heart, One Soul Campaign, many communities require ministry outside of the bounds of a particular parish. That's why 15 percent of the funds raised in the campaign will support shared ministries outside of parishes: campus ministry, hospital ministry, prison ministry, and ministry to migrant workers.